I'm a stay at home mummy to two girls. I used to work in Human Resources and was always dealing with people so getting used to the loneliness and boredom of being at home has been a hard adjustment. I turned to sewing and crafts as a much needed creative outlet.
I've been sewing my own clothes since I was around 17 years old but didn't get back into sewing seriously until a few years ago. I was taught to sew, knit and crochet by my step-mum and Nanna and crafting and making has always been part of my lifestyle. I usually always have a few (or ten) projects on the go at once.
I studied fashion design on an evening when I worked in Human Resources and I can draft my own patterns (flat pattern drafting). Although these days my sewing time is very limited so I do sew a lot of indie and a few commercial patterns.
My favorite fabrics are linen and silk.
If you have any questions or want to get in touch please use the contact section below.
Thank you for visiting making it pretty.